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concept of children's dreams and travels. pilot aviator child with a toy airplane plays at home in his room
Childhood and Society

Childhood and Society

When I started reading Childhood and Society , it was to learn more about Erikson's stages of psychosocial development. I wanted to learn more about how children develop and the stages that they must go through to become an adult – at least according t...
Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang

Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang

How is it that one boy becomes a Boy Scout Eagle Scout and the other finds their way into a criminal gang?  This is the fundamental question that Delinquent Boys: The Culture of the Gang seeks to answer.  Parents of children wonder these questions b...
“G” is for Growing: Thirty Years of Research on Children and Sesame Street

“G” is for Growing: Thirty Years of Research on Children and Sesame Street

I mentioned in my review of Presentation Zen  that I got conflicting input on how to design my slides for my recorded training and that I started doing some research. It makes sense that I’d look at a book like Presentation Zen  but in truth it’s this sa...
Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why

Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why

Compared to the average joe I read a lot. Books that I read (all non-fiction) tend to fall into one of two broad categories. They’re either helping you understand a problem, or they’re providing a recipe – a set of questions, actions, and behaviors that ...
The Marshmallow Test: Why Self Control Is the Engine of Success

The Marshmallow Test: Why Self Control Is the Engine of Success

It was a wintery night, and I found myself in the emergency room with my son. I was madder than I remember ever being. I felt like someone who was supposed to protect him had failed him. They had failed to do what they knew would keep him safe and were...
The Quest for Identity

The Quest for Identity

What is it like for an entire country to lose its identity?  That’s what The Quest for Identity is about.  It speaks of the identity of America in the middle of the 20th century.  The book documents a shift from one of personal responsibility and ...
The Rites of Passage

The Rites of Passage

Every culture has rites of passage.  In The Rites of Passage , Arnold van Gannep seeks to explain the commonalities and differences between the rites of passage in cultures across the planet.  I was first introduced to the work while reading William B...
Schools Without Failure

Schools Without Failure

With seven children in various parts of their educational journey, one could understand why I’d want to understand more about schools and what can be done to prevent failure. However, the truth is that reading Schools without Failure  was triggered by ...