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The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today’s Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems
I was talking about the change models library . My friend mentioned The Change Handbook: The Definitive Resource on Today's Best Methods for Engaging Whole Systems as an analog to what I was doing. It's definitely true that there are similarities, but...
Change Management: The Essentials
It's hard to figure out what you need to know for change management. It's such a big profession with so many overlapping definitions that it's hard to sort out what might be the essentials. That's what makes Change Management: The Essentials such a...
How to Be a Change Superhero: The Business Toolkit to Help You to ‘Do’ Change Better
There’s the moment right after you realize that you’ve been assigned to your first change project when panic sets in and you begin to wonder How to be a Change Superhero . Whether the thought crosses your mind early in the process or late doesn’t matter...
Made to Stick
Honey. Duct Tape. Elmer’s Glue. They’re all made to stick, but they’re not the kind of Made to Stick  that Dan and Chip Heath are talking about. They’re talking about those mental viruses that replicate inside your head over and over again until you...
Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential
It’s heretical. What would happen if we applied free market capitalist ideas to charities? What would it be like to have non-profit organizations operate with the same (or similar) rules as commercial organizations? Uncharitable: How Restraints on N...