Virtual Session: Coping with External Change
External change happens to us. We don’t get to choose it, but we do have to cope with it. However, most of us have never been taught how to cope with change. Learn how to cope with external changes better so that you’ll be more confident in your agility. More importantly, learn how to give this gift of change confidence to those you work with so that they, too, can cope with external changes – maybe even the external change you’re inflicting upon them.
In this 38-minute session, you’ll learn to understand how changes impact us visibly and invisibly. We’ll take major historical events and help you realize how those events felt in the moment and how your views are different now. You’ll also learn how burnout functions. Instead of an abstract concept, you’ll learn how it impacts and shapes our reactions to change – and what we can do to avoid it.

Generations see events differently.
Watch how generations are defined.
What are your personal defining moments caused by external change?
We are all confronted with external change. Those changes can debilitate us or invigorate us. We can crumble under the weight, or we can climb the next mountain. Learn how to maneuver each change with understanding, acceptance, and agility to ensure success.