Frozen in Fear
“I just don’t understand it. They won’t do anything to move forward with the change.” It’s a familiar lament by change managers who are trying

Commanding Change Doesn’t Work
It’s no secret. It’s not complicated. And still, it’s not done consistently. The data shows that even in acute care settings, professionals don’t wash their

Mastering the Change Curve
I was never very good at carnival games. I’d throw a dart to pop a balloon and end up skewering a goldfish in the next

One More Time: How Do You Accomplish Change
It’s 1968, and Fredrick Herzberg has the snarkiest of titles in the prestigious Harvard Business Review (HBR). His article, “One More Time: How Do You

Change Without Authority
Authority makes it easier. It’s easier to get things done when you can just tell others to do it. Of course, few people can do

Fighting in the Resistance
We’re taught to fight resistance. If the nut won’t turn, apply more energy. Don’t ask it why it’s resisting or join it in its resistance.

Overcoming Immunity to Change
We say we want change, but why can’t we achieve it? Sometimes, what we want and what we believe are in conflict. Even if we

Ideas, Innovation, and Change
Innovation may be the thing that we need to move forward. It may be the thing that every organization wants most, but it’s also the

Neither Democracy nor Oligocracy
We’re all familiar with the form of rule as democracy, however fewer of us are familiar with the term oligocracy, how these two terms dance

Personal or Organizational Change
Some change professionals resist the inclusion of personal change approaches in the category of change management, feeling that these approaches are best left to self-help

The Intersection of Positive Psychology and Change
There are some people who believe the way we approach change by looking at problems instead of opportunities is broken, and we can get to

The Long List of Essential Skills
It’s a set of questions I get asked all too often. “What are the essential skills that someone needs to have to support change?” This

Providing Context
If I simply say, “The staff is bad,” you have no context for the statement. Depending on your frame of mind, you may believe that

The Curse of Knowledge
There’s something about the idea of a curse that harkens back to a time of mystery. It calls back to a time when we didn’t

Burning Platform
Daryl Conner started the analogy. It was in relation to a literal burning oil platform off the north coast of Scotland, but it’s been misunderstood,

One-Man Band, Conductor, and Musician – The Role of the Change Manager
The role of the change manager isn’t always as clear cut as we might like. In smaller initiatives or organizations, we’re a one-man band. In

When Change Causes Harm
Most of the time when we’re working to change an organization, we’re focused on the benefits of the change. We’re speaking to the utopian vision

Understanding RACI Conditions
It’s not what you think. It’s a framework for understanding the relationship between who you communicate with, the role they have, and the aspects of

Change the Person or the System
A fundamental question about the way to approach change in an organization is to decide whether you’re going to change the person themselves or whether

The Behavior Function
The world of change management owes a lot to Kurt Lewin. He’s responsible for the idea of change as three steps: unfreezing, change and transition,

Agile Change Management
Like any movement that becomes popular, agile has become more buzzword and less meaning than was originally intended. When 17 software developers met in Utah,

Prison Psychology
It may not seem like there are many choices when you’re a prisoner, so there shouldn’t be much to learn about change, but there’s more

The Necessity of Neuroscience
If you want to get people’s attention to a change session, mention that you’re going to talk about neuroscience, and you’ve got them. The problem

The Keystone Changes
Change is often overwhelming for the manager and those stakeholders who are impacted. However, a change is rarely the sole source of these overwhelming feelings.

The Drumbeat of Change
Any musician knows it’s the rhythm provided by the bass that holds the music together. Whether it’s the electric bass providing a resonating reminder of

The Wedding and The Merger Marriage
Wedding days are a magical moment that girls and boys dream of from the time they’re little. They get to be prince and princess living

When Change Resistance Is Inertia, Mass, Friction, and Flywheels
It comes up as a casual comment. “We’re facing some change resistance.” Your ears perk up and you wonder what’s leading to the perception of

Why People Don’t Resist Change
It’s become popular to comment that people are resisting the kind of change that you’re proposing. Whether you’re making a minor change, changing a software

Why the 70% Failure Rate of Change Projects Is Probably Right
There are some folks in the change management community and profession who rail against those who are willing to quote a 70% failure rate. They

What Is Change Management, and Why Is Everyone Else’s Definition Different Than Mine?
You walk up to someone at a party and announce that you do change management work. They reply, “Wow, that’s amazing. So do I.” And